







Sunday Feb 9 day

Sunny High: -1℃(30℉) <12km/h


Sunny Low: -10℃(14℉) <12km/h

Monday Feb 10 day

Sunny High: 0℃(32℉) <12km/h


Sunny Low: -10℃(14℉) <12km/h

Tuesday Feb 11 day

Sunny High: 1℃(34℉) <12km/h


Cloudy Low: -8℃(18℉) <12km/h

Clothes: Frigid

In this chilly weather,It’s advised that you can wear winter clothes such as thick down jackets,fur coats and thick sweaters.The elder and the weak are especially advised to pay attention to keep warm.

Trel: Compartively Suitable

Fine weather with mild wind,bright sun,and breeze along with your trel; It’s a little cold,which is relatively suitable for trel.You can still enjoy the beauty of the natural scenery.


每个人都知道一年有四季。Everybody knows that there are four seasons in one year.

第一个季节是春季。The first season is Spring.

当我们谈轮到春天我们会体会到生命的力量。When talking about Spring, we can feel the earth's energy of life.

所有生灵都从沉睡中醒来,小草微笑着慢慢变绿,人们脱去沉重的冬衣开心的工作。Everthing awakes from consciousness, the grass smiles and gets green, people take off the hey clothes and work hyly.

第二个季节是夏季。The second season is Summer.

在夏天里最流行的运动就是有用了,那也是我最喜欢的运动。The most fashionable activity in summer is swimming which is my fourite sport!

清凉的水让我感觉像在天堂一样。The cold water makes me feel like in the heen!

然后是秋天。The third season of a year is Autumn!

对于农民来说这可是他们最喜欢的季节,因为秋天意味着丰收!Maybe farmers are the most hy people when Autumn arrives, as Autumn means harvest for them!

最后是冬季。And the last season of a year is Winter!

在这里冬天很冷,还会有雪,人们在冬天里最期望的就是新年了!You know it's cold here in winter, there will be snow then, and people are all looking forward to the Spring Festival!!



Good morning ! Here’s the weather report for some big cities in the world . Beijing is cloudy . It’s very cold, so wear warm clothes when you go out . In Hong Kong there’s beautiful sunshine.(阳光灿烂). People will feel cool in the daytime. It is sunny in New York , but there’s a strong wind (大风) in the afternoon. It will be rainy in Sydney but very hot. The day after tomorrow (后天) will be sunny.

That’s the weather report for today . Thank you for listening .(谢谢收听)


Summer is hot. The other seasons are cool or cold, but often warmer and sunny in the middle of the day. We he four seasons all very different. I am farther north than Zhejiang but we still he probably very similar climate pattern: four totally distinct seasons / conditions. Our winter is frozen cold. But then the other seasons are similar to yours, in a general way. Summer here is mid June to early September. Or, if unlucky, late June to late August. Humid all the time. Lots of rain. 25°C+ to 35°C+, and humidity 70%+, 80%+ At night it cools off, except when it's a "heat we" then it's 30°C+ at night. Many people need air-conditioning or else suffer slowness, irritability; can't sleep well, etc. Dangerous storms late summer, but short duration. Still, people like the summer here because it is so much heat after all the cold: it is almost like a vacation. No school for six weeks.

Fall is dryer and cooler. Everybody is hy again; the hot season is over. In early Fall sometimes it warms up again. Fall is long. At first sunny, then clouds, then overcast all day and rainy. Freezes in December. Huge amounts of sun in January February, reflected on snow ground. Very bright. All frozen. The ground doesn't freeze deep where it's snow-covered; snow is like styrofoam insulation keeping ground at a "warm" cold, so plant roots remain in good condition. But cold enough, so we don't he dangerous snakes, scorpions, insects, etc. Winter stops things cold.

Late winter every day big variations: e.g. 8°C mid-day, -12°C overnight (air temperature, not in the ground). Spring conditions swing back and forth, like late winter. Big daily/weekly variations, since the sun is so strong and yet there is still so much remaining cold (and cold air far north that comes back every few days). E.g. 15°C mid-day, -5°C overnight.

Now with no snow cover, the limiting factor for plant life is start-stop temperatures; many plants die in late Spring after beginning to grow. It's the opposite in Europe and the Mediterranean where every day is almost the same as the previous day, and seasons are not strongly differentiated. European immigrants get depressed in late Spring since they expect to see green things growing "regularly" but everything gets delayed as temperature starts + stops many times. They are often upset in June because the weather in March April and May was not what they he been conditioned to expect. This hens all the time. They love three of the four seasons. In Spring, they just don't "get it". Weather in most of North America is land-based, not maritime-influenced; probably the same as in China. Here, every few days there can be massive changes, as new air moves in from the continent, either from the north or from the south. So, statistical erages are often meaningless. Average temperature may be low, so we build insulated buildings, but daytime conditions are often warm: you can go outside without wearing a big overcoat in the middle of the day, except mid-Winter.

Often (3-4-5 days) the air mass changes. In North America (as in China) the big water mass is on the east side, big land mass on the west. Pacific mountains and Rocky mountains prevent Pacific air from coming into the interior, so the movement of air westward brings new air in from two different sources: far south (Texas) or far north (Yukon). Switching from hot to cold source.



Sure! Here's a paragraph introducing the weather:

The weather today is absolutely delightful. The sun is shining brightly in a clear blue sky, casting a warm and comforting glow over everything. There is a gentle breeze blowing, which brings a refreshing touch to the air. The temperature is mild and pleasant, making it the perfect day to enjoy outdoor activities.

The forecast predicts no chance of rain, so it's a great opportunity to soak up the sunshine and reciate the beauty of nature. Whether you're planning a picnic in the park or a leisurely stroll by the beach, today's weather is sure to enhance your experience and bring a smile to your face. Enjoy the wonderful day!














Weather Forecast

A cold front is swinging in from Canada while a warm front is moving up from the Pacific. Meanwhile, precipitation is developing in the southern part of the state while strong wind is moving down from the north. There could be 3 to 5 inches of snow on Thursday or Friday if it gets cold enough. Otherwise there could be hey rain. Yet there still exists the possibility that the clouds may be pushed out by wind well before then. So frankly we he no idea whatsoever on what the weather will be like next week.


This is roughly the weather forecast on a local channel here in Portland during the weekend...one of the most bizarre and honest weather forecasts I've ever watched. It is refreshing to see that at least one of these so-called meteorologists (AKA weather men ... or women) understands the truth about the business -- one can never predict the weather, just like one can never predict life.



Good morning!Here`s the weather report.Today is a fine day.The high temperature will be 14℃.There will be beautiful sunshine in the daytime.It`s fine to go out to enjoy youselves.But the low temperature tonight will be 7℃.It might be a little cold.Wear warm clothes at night when you go out.That`s the weather report for today.Thank you for listening.

Now it is weather report.It will be sunny tomorrow with slight wind,and temperature ranging from 16 to 23 degrees centigrade.