






Global warming: Causes, effects, solution and outcome

One of the greatest threats faced by the world today is the rising global temperature. There are many factors, which contribute to global warming. However, we can help minimise the increasing temperature by adopting some effective measures..

CJ: Prakash Kini , 1 Apr 2008 Views:7924 Comments:9

THE PROBLEM: Through the use of fossil fuels and the release of greenhouse gases, the earth’s temperature rises in a process known as global warming.

The causes: Global warming is caused by the burning of carbon rich fossil fuels, which in its consumption, release carbon dioxide – a green house gas – that when released into the atmosphere builds up and allows the heat that enters the atmosphere to collect, and the earth’s temperature to rise. Other greenhouse gases include methane, nitrous oxide, and sometimes, even water vapour can act as a green house gas.

The effects: The effects of global warming are most obviously the warming of the globe, but this can he many unforeseen side effects, such as the melting of some of the earth’s ice stored in it’s poles and it’s glaciers, such as the Greenland Ice Sheet, a rise of three to four degrees Fahrenheit could cause up to 40 per cent of the earth’s costal areas to be enveloped by the rising oceans. The global temperature has risen between 0.45 to 0.6 degrees Celsius and the oceans he risen between 15-20 cm in the last century due to global warming and the industrial revolution.

The solution: We can solve this problem by reducing the amount of carbon dioxide emissions emitted by our cars and factories, carpooling, using bikes and developing alternative fuel sources could reduce these emissions on the personal level. However, getting the power generating companies and other industries to stop using fossil fuels would take a lot of time and would be hard to do. Many independent and groups are working to solve this problem. One such al effort is the Kyoto Protocol, a plan devised by a group of national s working in to stop global warming.

The outcome: If we ignore these problems, we could he serious ecological problems like the rising of the oceans due to the melting of the ice caps or the disturbance of many fragile ecosystems that rely on a carefully moderated temperature.

I hope that this information has provided some insight into the causes, effects and ways to stop global warming.





1、气候变暖 :climate warming

2、臭氧层破坏:ozone depletion

3、生物多样性减少:biodiversity decrease

4、酸雨蔓延:acid rain spread

5、森林锐减 :forest plummeted

6、土地荒漠化:land desertification

7、大气污染 :air pollution

8、水体污染:water pollution

9、海洋污染:Marine pollution

10、固体废物污染:solid waste pollution


Global warming more crisis

We are beautiful and great mother is ill and he a fever. Because of our annual carbon dioxide emissions than the emissions of 2ppm, leading to the increased temperatures. The latest data show, the global atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide and high growth rate, a higher than expected. Scientists worry, earth may he lost the ability to absorb carbon dioxide.

Because of our annual carbon dioxide emissions than the emissions of 2ppm, leads to the temperature rise.

Newest data shows, global atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide and high growth rate, a higher than expected. Scientists worry, earth may he lost the ability to absorb carbon dioxide. :" we are in the midst of climate change point, this is not good news.

1of our air conditioning high environmental temperature of 26 degrees to26 degrees is because, comparison of conditioning power. The students you know electricity come from? Is coal burning out a year we burn coal emissions of carbon dioxide number but a staggering number so everybody is in Shao Yong to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

2buy less unnecessary household liances for electrical plant, production belongs to the industrial factory as I he mentioned, industrial plant is the emission of carbon dioxide up to, so, everyone must buy less unnecessary electrical liances!

3, use less disposable batteries, because the production of battery factory, industrial plant Oh! And a battery can pollute one life needs water so, not only to reduce the use of disposable batteries and run out can not throw oh!

Protect environment is everyone's responsibility, this word is familiar today we not only should keep it in mind and action! Protect environment is to protect our mother earth and to our children a healthy green homes.












It's the Global Warming that causes the melt of glaciesrs and results in the rise of sea level.




Global warming has posed a serioud threat to the survival of humanity in the future. Few people he realized that what our actions in this time mean more ato our future than ever. More than ever before, the basic survival of our species is threatened by the danger of a no longer stable climate, which will destroy the regularity of almost every parts of our life. As the studies conducted by massive gathering of scientists from all over the world points out, if the global erage temperature rised over 2 degrees Celcius, global climate change will be self sustaining, at that point, a no longer stable climate will be the nightmare reality for every inhabitant of earth. Although technology will probably play a key part in sing us from catastrophic troubles, one must not forget that it's technology that got us in this trouble in the first place. In using the techniques developed by those advanced geo-physicists, the future of earth is risked more than climate change, as we he witnessed the unintended consequences of altering nature artificially. Among all the green energy sources, residential solar power generation has the potency to se the world. Few people knows that residential solar generated electricity will be enough for all the uses of the household, maybe even some extra selling back to local utilities. China has the most potential in achieving a Solar Revolution, because China has the most potential in the suply and demand of solar power. Suntect Power ( 尚德) , a remarkable Chinese solar company, offers high quality products in world standard in really low Chinese prices, a miraculous combination. On the demand, a greatest number of residential owners in the world could possible want to get solar generated electricity. If only the Chinese comes up with the right incentives and subsidy to guide the Chinese solar market, it could be the tricker for a revolution that will se humanity from diasters and the change of fortune for China. As the situation entails,everyone of us has responsiblities to protect the planet and ensure the survival of our species. In daily life, try to fulfil the concept of reduce, reuse and recycle as much as one's ability allows and the concept of zero carbon emmission. Using this as these ultimate goals and guidelines, one should try these actions in every means possible and proactively seek and learn better ways to live a green way of life. More importantly, try to use as much green energy sources and products as economic situations allows, especially people in social position, to whom with greater resources lies greater responsibility to use those resources for the greater good.

不好意思, 好像写太多了, (谁让我专门研究过这个问题呢.......)你自己精简吧. 看看也有好处

全球变暖在未来构成了一个对人类生存构成严重威胁。很少有人意识到,在这个时候我们的行动意味着我们比以往任何时候更迹的未来。超过以往任何时候都对我们人类的基本生存受到威胁不再是一个稳定的气候,这将破坏我们生活的几乎每一个部件的规律性的危险。正如科学家所进行的大量研究,搜集世界各地的指出,如果全球平均气温升高超过2摄氏度,全球气候变化将是自我维持,在这一点上,一个稳定的环境将不再是现实的噩梦为每一个地球居民。虽然技术很可能会扮演拯救灾难困扰我们的一个重要组成部分,一决不能忘记,它的技术,在这首先给我们带来麻烦。在使用这些先进的地质物理学家研制的技术,对地球的未来是比气候变化更冒险,因为我们已经目睹了人为改变性质的意想不到的后果。在所有的绿色能源,住宅太阳能发电具有效力,以拯救世界。很少有人知道,住宅太阳能发电将足以为所有的家庭使用,甚至一些额外的售回本地公用事业。中国已经在实现一个最有潜力的太阳能革命,因为中国已在供应中最和太阳能电力需求的潜力。。 Suntect功率(尚德),一个了不起的中国太阳能公司,提供在中国的价格实在低,一个神奇的组合在世界标准的高品质的产品。在需求,最大的住宅业主可以在世界排名可能想要得到太阳能发电。我国如果只配备了适当的奖励和资助额,以指导中国太阳能市场,它可以是一次革命,它将从灾难中拯救人类.



全球变暖英文为:global warming

关于全球变暖的例句有:Can?pollutant ste off the global warming crisis.污染物可否推迟全球变暖危机。


Most scentists do not suspect the current occurrence of global warming and human's participation in it anymore. They believe that global warming has a disastrous long term effect on the planet and humanity. Moreover, the climate transition will not steadily warm up the world just like that. Some regions will be vastly affected by the drastic climate changes. Densely populated areas such as the coastal regions of Florida would be uninhabitable. Millions of residents would he to migrate to safe regions elsewhere. Therefore, global warming earing on the agenda of the International Presidents' Meeting would not be a strange case afterall.